

2023 Joseon Royal Tombs Festival

Oct. 13.(Fri.) ~ Oct. 22.(Sun.), 2023
Hongneung and Yureung Royal Tombs, East Nine Royal Tombs(Donggureung), Seolleung and Jeongneung Royal Tombs, Taereung and Gangneung Royal Tombs, Heolleung and Illeung Royal Tombs, West Five Royal Tombs(Seooreung), Gimpo Jangneung Royal Tomb, Yungneung and Geolleung Royal Tombs, Yeongneung(Royal Tomb of King Sejong) / 9 Joseon Royal Tombs in total
Advance Program / Opening Ceremony /Main Programs : Performance, Tour, Experience, and Exhibition Programs
Viewing the Joseon Royal Tombs from a New Perspective
Brief Description
The Joseon Royal Tombs are the tombs for kings and queens of the Joseon Dynasty, and emperors and empresses of the Korean Empire, meaning 40 royal tombs except for 4 ones, Jeryeung (Queen Sineui, King Taejo's consort,) and Hureung (Jeongjeong, the 2nd King of the Joseon Dynasty, and Queen Jeongan, his consort) in North Korea and burial sites of the dethroned kings, Yeonsangun and Gwanghaegun, out of a total of 44 tombs.

The Joseon Royal Tombs are counted as the only global case of relics of a dynasty keeping the most complete form among royal tombs in Korea, which were listed in UNESCO World Heritage in June, 2009. 'The Joseon Royal Tombs Festival' provides a new cultural space for healing full of impressive and inspiring stories about 'the World Heritage Joseon Royal Tombs', allowing anyone to access and enjoy cultural heritage, from a novel perspective. The value of Joseon Royal Tombs can be informed and evolve as new traditional cultural tourist resource, through 'the Joseon Royal Tombs Festival,' which shows multiple performances, exhibitions, and experience programs.